I've done a version of this for the past few years and it's been a big hit. About 10 days before Halloween I will hide 31 zombie pictures (laminated and about 2x3.5 inches in size) through our building (both easy and hard locations) and have residents turn them in at our Halloween Carnival for a prize. They get really into it and have zombie-hunting parties looking for them. My activity assistants bring the residents from our Memory care on zombie hunts during their walk times during the week. All the zombies are numbered and I write down the locations I hid them at. If they come to other activities throughout the week, I'll give them hints to locations as well. It's been a lot of fun
Thanks for all your Support and creativity that you share w/ us is really helpful , sometimes we really are very busy a lot of work and not enough time to do so many things we would want to do , again Thank you.
We played the Great Zombie game yesterday. It was a big hit. My residents said they want to do again, maybe Christmas. I was concerned due to having some with mobility issues, they did great on the big Hunt for the Zombies. The staff that helped had just as much fun as our residents. Again, thank you Golden Carers.
Hi Guys I copied the cards from a game that is now out of print called 'The Great Zombie Hunt'. Attached is a copy of my original file including the cards I copied to use.
Thank you for your input. It sounds great.