In 1915 in Australia the average age was 24 compared to 37 today.
In 1915 the Northern Territory had the oldest median age (41.7) with Tasmania the youngest (22.4). A century later this has reversed with Tasmania having the oldest median age (40.8) and Northern Territory the youngest (31.5)
In 1915 men outnumbered women by more than 161,000. Today women outnumber men by 105,000.
The number of aged pensioners has increased by more than 31 times in a century from 72,949 to 2.3 million.
The percentage of the population aged under 15 has halved over the last 100 years.
Over the last 100 years the population has increased from just under 5 million to almost 24 million today.
In 1915 there were just 2,465 university students while today there are almost 1.2 million.
In 1915 a loaf of bread cost 3 1/2 pence, milk was 3 pence a litre.
In 1915 82% of the population were Australian born today it is 71%. Just a few facts I found on the net....hope it is useful.
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