Here is a fun word game you can adapt for any theme or occasion!
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Here is a fun word game you can adapt for any theme or occasion!

How to Play

  • Choose a category, such as “Names of Trees”
  • Supply a starter word, such as PALM
  • Have players shout out a tree name that begins with the last letter of that word, “M” OR have players take turns answering
  • The use of a white board to record answers may be helpful for participants

For example:


Word lists for an Arbor Day Game

Sample word lists are provided to help players choose words. Categories may be customized to locally-known or left wide-open.

Fruit & Nut Trees

Peach, apple, pear, plum, lemon, orange,quince, mango, coconut, cherry, mulberry, fig, pomegranate, avocado, jaboticaba, guava, olive, lychee, durian, jackfruit, cashew, almond, chestnut, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, pine nut, pistachio, walnut, Brazil

Evergreen Trees

Fir, pine, cypress, cedar, citrus, thuja, spruce, gum, olive.

Flowering Trees

Magnolia, cherry, redbud, pink trumpet, mimosa, dogwood, crabapple, fringe, hydrangea, hawthorn, pear, Stewartia, myrtle, Willow, jacaranda, purple orchid, witch hazel, plumeria.

Animals that live in trees

Possum, anteater, glider, kinkajou, tree kangaroo, flying lemur, genet, sloths, koala, flying snake, gibbon, python, fruit bat.


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