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Activities Coordinator From Queensland, Australia

6 Activities

142 Comment

Kymberly 11th Mar 2016 Activities Coordinator


Its very similar to what i do now, except i have a group session. I hv a fake microphone, start a song, and get someone to finish. Then we discuss - who sung? what were the fashions at the time? was it from a movie? who was the heart-throb? etc
Kymberly 9th Mar 2016 Activities Coordinator


Can anyone recommend a cd or a song list with suitable sentimental songs to encourage a sing-along, perhaps also one that encourages a bit of movement? :)
Kymberly 9th Mar 2016 Activities Coordinator


What activities are volunteers legally able to do unsupervised? Its become so difficult to let residents participate in their own mornings without breaching some oh&s rule. I havent been allowed to designate tasks involved in activities with my attendance let alone leaving them with volunteers
Kymberly 9th Mar 2016 Activities Coordinator


We have a weekly activity called 'chit chat'. It starts with a coffee & snack, and then a singalong with a visitor/ a travel dvd/ a guest speaker etc. Its becoming increasingly difficult to fill the calendar - anyone have anything similar to share? There is usually about 50 attending
Kymberly 1st Mar 2016 Activities Coordinator


Hi. I'm an activities coordinator & rotate 3 mornings a week spent with different groups of semi-dependent residents. I've developed the activity as being a 'social' morning, when we all sit at a large table set-up, about 15 ppl at most, and have a group discussion. This has helped neighbours develop relationships & hv contact outside their units.
I've tried to arrange something they can do on the mornings their group doesnt have morning tea, but they are missing interaction on the other days without my company. And so residents are coming to each of the 3 mornings. This increases the numbers, its less of an intimate activity, & i actually do the same things on each morning - which they dont seem to mind. Same jokes, same current affairs, same reminiscing topic etc.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of a group activity residents can do without my company. My hours are limited but the demand is there for socialization. i dont like asking ppl to leave but its becoming a OH&S issue :)
Kymberly 26th Feb 2016 Activities Coordinator

Australia: Reminiscing About Life In 1915

Great lead-in for a reminiscing activity. Thanks
Kymberly 22nd Feb 2016 Activities Coordinator

Reminiscing: The Early Days of Black & White T.V

This was a great topic for our weekly session. Thank you
Kymberly 12th Feb 2016 Activities Coordinator


I had a member of a collectibles club - he has old brand bottles, school supplies such as ink wells & slates, worktools, kitchen utensils such as butter churns, almost to the extent he can do a discussion on each collection. The residents love it
Kymberly 23rd Jan 2016 Activities Coordinator


Hi. Has anyone tried button art? I found a way to dye buttons, as most are either black or white, and i was wondering if there were ideas out there for a group project :)
Kymberly 23rd Jan 2016 Activities Coordinator


Hi. Who are your usual audience...aged?