Member Profile:


Activities Coordinator From Queensland, Australia

6 Activities

142 Comment

Kymberly 10th Mar 2015 Activities Coordinator


Hi. My time is always spent with residents in a group, from 10 to 15 different participants at a time, 3 days a week. I would like to know how to introduce one-on-one time, with so many residents to attend to, or how to decide which residents get one-on-one time. Residents are semi-dependent, some have times when they are 'room-bound', either by necessity or choice. I'd like to spend the time i have to maximum benefit, but have never done any one-to-one contact, aside from short social visits etc. Hope to get some advice. Kym :)
Kymberly 6th Mar 2015 Activities Coordinator


Do you write them out on a board? I'm not sure i'd have access to one, and was wondering if giving out pencil & paper would be enough, or just discussion
Kymberly 6th Mar 2015 Activities Coordinator

Share your Jokes

Did you hear about the fellow who lost his left arm and his left leg? Well he's alright now.
Kymberly 11th Feb 2015 Activities Coordinator

Phrase Finder

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Phrase Finder
Kymberly 11th Feb 2015 Activities Coordinator

World Prayer Day Word Finder

Residents love doing these! Please keep them coming.
Kymberly 4th Feb 2015 Activities Coordinator

The Long & Short of it

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: 'The Long & Short of it'
Kymberly 14th Jan 2015 Activities Coordinator


Hello. I have the golden carers exercise dvd but i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get one for balance, and for posture. Thanks, Kym
Kymberly 23rd Dec 2014 Activities Coordinator

Life Reflections Posters to Connect with New Arrivals

I would love to see a photo of your collage. Thanks for the inspiration! Kym x
Kymberly 13th Dec 2014 Activities Coordinator

Who sung this song? Songs from the 1930s

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Who sung this song?
Kymberly 5th Nov 2014 Activities Coordinator

Melbourne Cup Horse

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Melbourne Cup